Monday, August 31, 2009

And I must follow, if I can...

So the question is, what if I don't want to go back again?  And honestly, can you ever really go back again?  Thomas Wolfe didn't think so.  Neither did Snoopy.

Confused yet?

Let me backtrack.  Until just a few moments ago, this blog was titled "There and Back Again, A Librarian's Tale."  I like this title.  I like the Tolkien reference, I like the travel reference, and of course I like the reference to my profession.  This last made particular sense since the blog began life as part of a professional development project for work.

But recently I've decided that I'd like my life to be more about moving forward, and less about, well, creating more of the same.  New perspective, new blog title.  I'd like to focus more on travel, and writing, and finding new ways to explore this incredible world.

And whither then?  I cannot say.