Sunday, November 16, 2008

Flickring Away Part One

So I finally did it. I took some pictures with a digital camera, set up a flickr account, and uploaded them. With a little help.

You see, I almost never use a camera, so other than this assignment, I have had no use for a flickr account of my own - although I have spent a fair amount of time on the site observing the pictures of others. It isn't that I am uninterested in having various events, people, and places in my life preserved in photographic form. It's
Pretty isn't it? My husband took that. If you're interested, you can see more of his fabulous photography at With a photographer like that in the house, I've never felt the need to play around with a camera much. Always preferred being in front of the camera to behind it anyway.
Nonetheless, I took the camera out and played around with it some. Since I used my husband's fancy Sony DSLR-A350, the results are pretty much proof that it is the photographer, not the camera, that makes the picture.

1 comment:

Julia said...

That is a lovely photo. But don't worry about capturing beauty exactly - I think that's the trick. Capture something small that you love and go out from there.