Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fun with Fotos

And this, ladies and gentlefolk, is why the little red-haired girl never went in much for blogging (or journaling or diary-keeping) in the past. I have a very short attention span. That said, after something of a hiatus, I am determined to get back in the saddle and complete my 23 things.

I did actually start to play with neat online photo thingies (technical term) awhile ago, but I never did blog about it. There is a cool site called http://www.befunky.com/ where you can turn digital photos into cartoon or drawing-like images. For example, here is a photo of my adorable niece, Linnea:

And here is the cartoon verson:

Neat, huh?


CSH said...

Your niece really is adorable! Thanks for sharing this foto thingie.

loladimz said...

I took a break from looking at kitten videos and found this cute diversion. Nice!